Vera Ferra-Mikura “Twelve people are not a dozen” – KOVA DESIGN

Vera Ferra-Mikura “Twelve people are not a dozen”

In the life of eleven -year -old Marianne, big changes are coming: in a few days she will have a brother. The girl is worried that parents will now love her less. It was at this time that she meets the family of her classmate Nelly. The family is unusual: grandfathers, uncles, aunts, cousins and sisters ..

In the life of eleven -year -old Marianne, big changes are coming: in a few days she will have a brother. The girl is worried that parents will now love her less. It was at this time that she meets the family of her classmate Nelly. The family is unusual: grandfathers, uncles, aunts, cousins and sisters … There are twelve people, and they all live together – in an old hunting castle on the street of skyscrapers (tours even come there!). Thanks to this meeting, Marianne will understand that the appearance of the baby is very cool. The story of the Austrian writer Vera Ferra Mikura about human intimacy, about the fact that you can be yourself and not forget to take care of others.

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