Greg is planning to start cutting as soon as he is through with this cycle. Greg says he was cynical at the beginning and he feared that the drug would have dangerous side effects on his body. To his surprise, the drug has turned out to be one of the best steroids he has ever used. The drug has given him high strength, excellent physique, and has enabled him to build massive muscles. Greg is very proud of the drug and says he would recommend it for anyone. Trestolone reviews are often mixed, with some users reporting tremendous results while others report unwanted side effects such as bloating, mood swings and acne.

Clinton intends to continue using this drug for he has not and any problems with it. Beginners using this drug can gained noticeable results even as short as two weeks without stacking. For its high potency, users can get incredible muscle gain and weight loss results even with small dosages of 3-6mg. The muscle gain results are also long-lasting, which makes athletes and weight lifters highly consider this drug. The Trestolone results you get will also depend on your workout routine, of course, and overall training experience, health, body fat, and more.

  • Trestolone or 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a synthetic androgen that is ten times as potent as testosterone.
  • Anyone who has been around the steroid subculture long enough is aware that the 19-nor family of drugs is notorious for causing sexual dysfunction in males.
  • First of all, the BB’r should not expect to grow muscle at 10X the rate of Testosterone at an equivalent dose, but there is no doubt that one’s gains will measurably surpass what is attainable with an equal dose of Testosterone.

It is advised you start by taking 100 mg per week of Trestolone acetate, or MENT, to see how your body responds. If your body responds well, you can consider increasing the dosage slowly, up to 300 mg per week. If you do choose to purchase Trestolone, we strongly suggest that you obtain the Trestolone acetate that is available for purchase at Strate labs.

review for Trestolone Acetate(MENT) – 50mg/mL (10mL)

The oral and transdermal dosing may be slightly higher than the injectable form. An aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex and a prolactin inhibitor such as Cabergoline should be on hand for prolactin and oestrogen related side effects. Trestolone is a potent inhibitor of the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). As spermatogenesis requires both testosterone and FSH, it is impaired by the reduction in FSH caused by trestolone as well as the reduction in LH, and subsequent reduction in testosterone. Because of this, MENT is a very appealing choice for individuals who wish to not only develop great muscle but also maintain a high sex desire and avoid having unintended children while doing so. In a study that was conducted in 1992 on rats to investigate the pharmacology of MENT, the researchers found that the anabolic potency of MENT was ten times greater than that of testosterone while also being 12 times more suppressive on HTPA.

How does Trestolone Acetate works?

Well, in this article, we’ll take a science-based approach to this compound, exploring the side effects, what results you can expect, the general dosage people take, and much, much more… so keep on reading and let’s get started. It’s recommended that you start with a conservative dose of Trestolone acetate before gradually increasing it over time as your tolerance develops. Additionally, you should incorporate liver support supplements into your cycle since Trestolone has been known to cause liver toxicity if used excessively or incorrectly. To plan and execute a safe and effective cycle, there are several factors to consider. First, it’s essential to research the optimal dosage for your body weight and training routine. However, as with any powerful substance, there are certain risks involved if not used appropriately.


However, I have found that using .75 mg of Anastrozol every other day is sufficient as long you aren’t using a insane amount of MENT. With regard to cycle set-up, the inclusion of Ment allows for the revision of one of its most basic tenants, which traditionally says that testosterone should be included in every cycle. Although I personally do not agree with that philosophy in all cases, there are many good reasons why Testosterone should generally be included in one’s cycle. However, Ment changes all that, making the inclusion of Testosterone optional and not a necessity. All the side effects which normally present themselves in a state of Testosterone deficiency are absent when Ment is employed. This is a big advantage unique to Ment alone and which enables an AASA user to think outside the box when designing his/her cycle.

The drug has a powerful result for people seeking to achieve fast strength enhancement. Since MENT has not been commercialized as a drug, there have not been developed specific Trestolone Acetate (MENT) dosage guidelines for the steroid. Being a highly potent steroid, small dosages will be effective for bodybuilders. Some studies show that the drug is ten times more powerful than testosterone and suppresses spermatogenesis twenty times more effective than testosterone. MENT is stronger than SARMs, stronger than testosterone, and even stronger than tren, which is typically viewed as the “king” of anabolic steroids. This is an extremely powerful anabolic compound that will give you EXTREME results.

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